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Mini Gym Smart Restart Guidelines

We remain committed to the safety and health of our gymnasts and staff.


 Employee Guidelines:

• Staff will perform a wellness check prior to entering the Mini Gym and will stay at home if sick.

• Staff will sanitize hands prior to entrance and before and after each class.

• Staff will have masks available to them if desired.

• Staff will adhere to any PPE requirements suggested by the ND dept. of health.

• Staff will disinfect and sanitize the gym and equipment after each class. 


 Students and Parents:

• Please perform wellness and temp checks prior to arrival. Do not attend if you or your child are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to such symptoms.

• Cubbies will still be provided for your shoes, water bottles, and other personal items.  If you are not comfortable with this, please bring a bag or backpack to hold these items and keep with a parent.

• Everyone will be required to wash their hands prior to and after using the gym.  Hand sanitizer will be available for use in the Mini Gym.

• We have allowed 10 minutes between classes for our staff to sanitize the gym.  Please do not enter the gym until your instructor indicates he/she is ready for you.

• Please allow our staff adequate time to sanitize and prepare for the next class by exiting the gym when your class is over.

• Gymnasts and parents may elect to wear a mask if desired while in the Mini Gym.

• Lesson plans may be modified to limit spotting activities; physical distancing will be encouraged while in the gym.

• Warm up and group activities will be modified to accommodate for social distancing.

• If appropriate, please educate your child on what physical distancing looks like (how to stand six feet apart), and how to sneeze/cough into their elbow.

• Parents, please use your own personal guidelines for social distancing while watching your child.

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